The sheer size of many construction sites and mines presents enormous challenges for controlling dust. Unfortunately these challenges are not going away. But fortunately, we have solutions to help.
Elimadust helps control PM5 and PM10 dust particle regulations, which are key for many industrial sectors. Elimadust can also help reduce water usage and ultimately help reduce spray operations in general. Because our product is biodegradable, it is non-contaminating to soil and ore. Elimadust also helps promote a safe atmosphere be increasing visibiility and removing harmful dust particles from the air.
Our Dust Abatement System also helps maintain access roads and stabilizes the base roads. Controlling traffic dust makes for higher degree of visibility and decreased maintenance and cleaning of equipment.
And of course, Elimadust is safe. It is a USDA Certified Biobased Product, meaning that it is safe for plants and animals, biodegradable and does not neutralize the soil.