Our experience is global. We've worked on many projects all over the world, successfully solving difficult construction problems and other dust mitigation challenges. Here are a few projects where exceptional service and value was delievered to our customers.
Idaho Dairies
In 2019 we started a project with a large Dairy in Idaho - Dust control is critical in agricultural settings. It's important to the health and wellbeing of plants and animals. Salt and other materials in typical dust control can make animals sick.
After applying Elimadust in this Idaho Dairy, there was no report of contamination or evidence of respitory illness from animals on the dairy. We effectively eliminated fugitive dust from the service roads and other high traffic areas with a simple twice per month application.

Chilean Mines
In 2018 ElimaDust began a large project in Chile with large mineral minds. The probelm? The massive cost of equipment and labor spraying water multiple times per day.
ElimaDust developed a custom solution for the mines - we tested it on site with them. After deployment, the mine is now only spraying elimadust every 2 weeks, effectively keeping down the dust.
Because of the fact that large equipment runs through this mine, visibility is paramount. Elimadust helps create a safe working environment by significanly improving visibility
Oil Field Lease Roads
In 2017 we began work with many oil fields in Nouth Dakota. Dust control in these settings is important to oil companies and land owners. Salt has plagued these settings for years, and in most cases, salt based dust control makes it necessary to tear out the service road upon completion.
When we began working in these oil fields we helped multiple oil companies save nearly 50%. on the cost of service road maintenace. The applications last for months, and water usage was also dropped by nearly 50%. The oil field operators also claimed that ElimaDust helped solve their corrosiion issues, and improved the life of their equipement and trucks
The best part? The oil companies were able to eventually reclaim back the land to the farmers who owned the property, in nearly perfect shape. Eventually reclaimed the land and gave back to the farmer.

*From Unpaved Road Dust Management - A Successful Practitiioners Handbook